The Book of Tea - Okakura, Kakuzo

The Book of Tea - Okakura, Kakuzo

Thursday, Sep 26, 2019 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Asia Bookroom.
Lawry Place.

For a generation adjusting painfully to the demands of a modern industrial and commercial society, Asia came to represent an alternative vision of the good life: aesthetically austere, socially aristocratic, and imbued with spirituality. "The Book of Tea" was originally written in English and sought to address the inchoate yearnings of disaffected Westerners. In a flash of inspiration, Okakura saw that the formal tea party as practiced in New England was a distant cousin of the Japanese tea ceremony, and that East and West had thus 'met in the tea-cup'.

We have read well over 150 books since the book group began.