Time for a Tiger - Anthony Burgess

Time for a Tiger - Anthony Burgess

Thursday, Dec 07, 2023 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Asia Bookroom
Unit 2, 1-3 Lawry Place
Macquarie ACT 2614

The first book in the Malayan Trilogy.

"Anthony Burgess was an officer in the Colonial Service. In The Malayan Trilogy - Time for a Tiger, The Enemy in the Blanket and Beds in the East - he satirises the dog days of colonialism.

Victor Crabbe is a well meaning, ineffectual English man in the tropics, keen to teach the Malays what the West can do for them. Through Crabbe's rise and fall and a series of wonderfully colourful characters, Burgess lays bare racial and social prejudices of post-war Malaya during the upheaval of Independence." (Publisher's description).

We have read well over 150 books since the book group began.